Author: Kieran
Header image: KF in Dall-E Chapter 2 Matter Turns Intelligent KF: THE BOTTOM LINE: STOP 108
Header image: KF in Dall-E Chapter one: do everything faster Chapter two – Slow Is Beautiful If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together (origin) KF: Honoré traces historical concerns over time about the increase in the pace of our lives (ancient world on); LOL “bicycle face.” […]
Shulman (1997) Professing liberal arts
Header image: KF in Dall-E https://blogs.ubc.ca/catl2022/files/2022/10/Shulman_1997-Professing-Liberal-arts.pdf Education is my profession and the education of professionals is my area of inquiry. I wish to argue that the problem with the liberal arts is not that they are endangered by the corruption of professionalism. Indeed, their problem is that they are not professional enough. Features of a […]
Unpublishing is an umbrella term for a set challenges that stem from requests from third parties to remove, obscure or otherwise alter accurate information published about them at some point in the past. Deborah L. Dwyer, https://unpublishingthenews.com/ (, 2022) Readers’ Ombudsman: The rights – and wrongs – of being forgotten https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/4817305/readers-ombudsman-newspaper-digital-archives-right-to-be-forgotten/ (Sept 10, 2021) The Media […]
Header image: KF in Dall-E Dan McQuillan https://logicmag.io/home/deep-learning-and-human-disposability/ AI is a technology for managing social murder. Under austerity, AI’s capacities to rank and classify help to differentiate between “deserving” and “undeserving” welfare recipients and enables a data-driven triage of public services. While the sharp end of welfare sanctions are initially applied to those who are […]
Palmer (1997) The Courage to Teach
Header image: KF in Midjourney We Teach Who We Are Good teaching requires self-knowledge: it is a secret hidden in plain sight. Technique is what teachers use until the real teacher arrives Teaching is the intentional act of creating conditions that can help students learn Chapter I The Heart of a Teacher: Identity and Integrity […]
Inoue (2019) Labor-Based Grading
Header image: KF in Dall-E Inoue, Asao B. (2019). Labor-Based Grading Contracts: Building Equity and Inclusion in the Compassionate Writing Classroom. https://wac.colostate.edu/books/perspectives/labor/ Grading, because it requires a single, dominant standard, is a racist and White supremacist practice. Let me pause for a moment and explain why I will be using the terms, “White supremacy” and “White […]
Header image: Triskelion Ireland, with permission, by ChipperDesigns by Fintan O’Toole This was the great gamble of 1958: everything would change economically but everything would stay the same culturally. 1984−1985: Dead Babies and Living Statues The revelations that week were disturbing. Irish culture was perfectly fine with transformations and translations, with negotiating between contexts.
Karen (1992) Shame
Header image: KF in Dall-E Also: On Ireland’s “malignant shame” by Dr. Garret O’Connor, former Director, Betty Ford Clinic https://www.mixcloud.com/rt%C3%A9-radio1specials/michael-littleton-memorial-lecture-2010/ The need to keep [shame] repressed often drives people toward perfectionism, withdrawal, diffidence, ombativeness. Guilt Is About Transgression; Shame Is About the Self If guilt is about behavior that has harmed others, shame is about not […]
Header image: KF in Dall-E Floridi, L. (2014). The 4th revolution: How the infosphere is reshaping human reality (First ed.). Oxford University Press. we need a philosophy of information as a philosophy of our time for our time. ╬ 2. T I M E Hyperhistory Memory half of our data is junk, we just do not know […]
Header image: KF in Dall-E Gesine Borcherdt 02 December 2021 ArtReviewhttps://artreview.com/byung-chul-han-i-practise-philosophy-as-art/ Undinge (Nonobjects) Byung-Chul Han Undinge proposes that the age of objects is over. The terrane order, the order of the Earth, consists of objects that take on a permanent form and provide a stable environment for human habitation. Today the terrane order has been replaced by the digital order. The digital […]
When I was about 16, I expressed an interest in being on my secondary school Irish (language) debating team. I have no idea what possessed me to do so. My command of the language was, among my classmates, average at best and this was setting a low bar for competency in a language that no […]
Header image: KF in Dall-E https://web.archive.org/web/20210117034441/https://www.bl.uk/restoration-18th-century-literature/articles/newspapers-gossip-and-coffee-house-culture (1675~1750) Late 17th-century coffee-houses were noted for their egalitarian and democratic character; people of all ranks sat alongside one another, actively engaging in debate with both friends and strangers alike. The layout of many coffee-houses fostered this rich social mixing. Many coffee-houses possessed long communal tables where patrons were expected […]
Dunbar’s number
Header image: KF in Dall-E Dunbar’s number https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunbar%27s_number The Limits of Friendship https://www.newyorker.com/science/maria-konnikova/social-media-affect-math-dunbar-number-friendships There’s no question, Dunbar agrees, that networks like Facebook are changing the nature of human interaction. “What Facebook does and why it’s been so successful in so many ways is it allows you to keep track of people who would otherwise effectively disappear,” […]
James, W. (1892). The Self.
Header image: KF in Dall-E https://www.mediastudies.press/pub/james-self/release/2 (A) the self as known, or the me, the ‘empirical ego’ as it is sometimes called (B) the self as knower, or the I, the ‘pure ego’ of certain authors. A. The Self as Known: The Empirical Self or Me Between what a man calls me and what he simply […]
Fromm (1947) Man for Himself
Header image: KF in Dall-E 4· Faith as a Character Trait 5 The Moral Powers in Man Our moral problem is man’s indifference to himself. It lies in the fact that we have lost the sense of the significance and uniqueness of the individual, that we have made ourselves into instruments for purposes outside ourselves, that […]
Header image: KF in Dall-E (May 25, 2021) How Michel Foucault Lost the Left and Won the Righthttps://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/25/opinion/michel-foucault.html?smid=tw-share (May 24, 2021) Review: How a California acid trip made Michel Foucault a neoliberalhttps://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/books/story/2021-05-24/review-how-a-california-acid-trip-made-michel-foucault-a-neoliberal (Summer 2021) How We Forgot Foucault by Geoff Shullenbergerhttps://americanaffairsjournal.org/2021/05/how-we-forgot-foucault/
Header image: KF in Dall-E The nature of the self (12:00) ╬ 16:30: Wilde” one who could play gracefully with ideas but had arrived at violence of opinion merely— 18:00 Memory: ~ the more you engage with social media (the more you write your own profile) the more constrained [written upon] you become – the fixed […]
Header image: KF in Dall-E Moeller, H., & D’Ambrosio, P.J. (2021). You and your profile: Identity after authenticity. Columbia University Press. Identity enables us to accept the face we see in the mirror as our own. We need it for coming to terms with the “grotesque mask” that we see there, which cannot be stripped away. We […]
Header image: KF in Dall-E What might be the future of the curriculum in the digital age? Williamson, B. (2013). The future of the curriculum. School knowledge in the digital age. MIT Press. https://doi.org/10.7551/mitpress/9457.001.0001 2 Curriculum Change and the Future of Official Knowledge 3 Networks, Decentered Systems, and Open Educational Futures 4 Creative Schooling and the […]
Header image: KF in Dall-E Muls, J., Thomas, V., De Backer, F., Zhu, C., & Lombaerts, K. (2019). Identifying the nature of social media policies in high schools. Education and Information Technologies, 25, 281– 305. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-019-09971-7 The existence and extent of social media visions, policies and guidelines in high schools in Flanders (Belgium, Europe) and how these policies are embedded in the schools. 47 high schools: Results […]
Header image: KF in Dall-E https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.13035
Header image: KF in Dall-E https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13670050.2020.1759504
Header image: KF in Dall-E Han, B. (2017). Psycho-Politics. Neoliberalism and New Technologies of Power. Verso. 1. The Crisis of Freedom [Reddit commentary] 2. Smart Power 3. The Mole and the Snake 4. Biopolitics 5. Foucault’s Dilemma 6. Healing as Killing 7. Shock 8. Friendly Big Brother 9. Emotional Capitalism 10. Gamification 11. Big Data 12. […]
Our argument in this book—that human life is being colonized by data and needs to be decolonized The underlying question on which this book will focus: should human beings in the twenty first century accept a world in which their lives are unceasingly appropriated through data for capitalism? although the modes, intensities, scales, and contexts […]
Iftody (2013) How we ‘word the world’
Header image: KF in Dall-E Iftody, T. (2013). Letting experience in at the front door and bringing theory through the back: Exploring the pedagogical possibilities of situated self-narration in teacher education The qualities of the world are there for those who have the skills to take them (Eisner, 1988, p. 15). St. Pierre, E. (2000). Poststructural […]
Header image: KF in Dall-E WATCH: The Philosophy of “As If” with Kwame Anthony Appiah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ec80Gtqrj48 (90 mins) 1 Useful Untruths Lessons from Hans Vaihinger A simple statement is bound to be untrue. One that is not simple cannot be utilized. ― Paul Valéry, Analects, 1970 The Philosophy of “As If” with Kwame Anthony Appiah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ec80Gtqrj48 […]
Header image: KF in Dall-E AAACS 2021 Keynote Address William Pinar and Ying Ma (@7:22) “If historical colonialism was an appropriation of land, bodies, and natural resources,” Couldry and Mejias (2019, 85) explain, “data colonialism can be understood as an appropriation of social resources … [that] operates in ways that replicate relations re-create a colonizing form […]
Header image: Screenshot from UBC POSE Page INTRO Open Access: open Access is a public good [see “The Commons“], based on the belief that the public, who largely funds education and research, should have broad and unfettered access to the knowledge being produced by the academy. (Budapest 2002) Open Research: “movement which aims to make scientific […]
On Grades in grad school
Header image: KF in Dalle-E A note sent to the class I TA with (EDUC 500 Research Methodology in Education), many of whom are getting worried as we come to the end of the semester. ╬ Given that many of you are, understandably, worried about your grades I thought it might be helpful to share this […]
Mark Carney (2020) The Reith Lectures
Header image: KF in Dall-E Today, the subjective approach to value has spread widely. Market value is taken to represent intrinsic value, and if a good or activity is not in the market, it is not valued. We’re approaching the extremes of commodification as commerce expands deep into the personal and civic realms 2. From Credit […]
Header image: KF in Dall-E Looking back at March 17, 2021 Motion: “That Senate approve in principle the Guiding Principles for Remote Invigilation and direct the Faculties to restrict the use of remote invigilation tools that involve automated recording and algorithmic analysis of data captured during invigilation to only cases explicitly requiring ‘remote proctoring software’ […]
[F]orgetting is memory’s foe. Memory is sacred and forgetting is something to overcome. Memory is revered and forgetting is disparaged Eichhorn, K. (2019). The end of forgetting: Growing up with social media. (forgiv/getness) I have been doing a lot of reading around the right to be forgotten. It keeps coming back to me, the more […]
Two fascinating paragraphs from the ruling of Chamberlain v. Surrey School District No. 36, 2002 [concerning] the attempt of a kindergarten teacher to use picture books depicting families with same-sex parents. The books were part of a list compiled by the provincial association of gay and lesbian educators concerning resources to promote tolerance and counter […]
Header image: KF personal photo February 9, 2021The Teaching Council (Ireland) released their Guidance for Registered Teachers about the use of Social Media and Electronic Communication This is directly related to the Social Media Policy in K-12 in British Columbia project that I started with the UBC Centre for the Study of Teacher Education last December. […]
Rooney (1982) In and of ourselves we trust
Header image: KF in Dall-E I regularly think about this short story by Andy Rooney that poses the question: why do people do the right thing when nobody is looking? I used it a lot in China to spur discussion in one of my classes but I regularly return to it, usually after a trip to […]
Doctorow (2020) 2020 Beaverbrook Lecture
Header image: KF in Dall-E Details Digital redlining https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_redlining Gartner hype cycle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hype_cycle Competitive compatibility / Adversarial Interoperability Click on the image below for Lincoln Shorts Episode 1: Cory Doctorow, Competitive Compatibility and Interoperators Defense [10 mins]
Header image: KF in Dall-E Notes on Arao, B., & Clemens, K. (2013). From Safe Spaces to Brave Spaces: a new way to frame dialogue around diversity and social justice. In Landreman, L. (Ed.), The Art of Effective Facilitation: Reflections from Social Justice Educators (pp. 135-150). Stylus Publishing. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b6af3b236099ba883a28b1e/t/5dcc5b2ae2b90a3c5af08fc5/1573673770842/From+Safe+Spaces+to+Brave+Spaces_2013.pdf My short take: Brave space is potentially […]
Header image: KF in Dall-E Notes from Dawson, P. (2021). Defending Assessment Security in a Digital World. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429324178 Chapter 7: Surveillance and the weaponisation of academic integrity There’s the rub: See Proctorio/Canvas Q&A – TechDay 2020 (Oct 23 2020, California State University, Fullerton) Q: Does Proctorio have robust studies showing that it significantly curbs cheating? A: […]
“We get into the habit of living before acquiring the habit of thinking.” ― Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus My new logo for 2020 Peter Singer The Drowning Child and the Expanding Circle John Perry Barlow The Pursuit of Emptiness Isaac Asimov A Cult of Ignorance On a serious tangent, see below one of the many […]
Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and the haste and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.Avoid loud and aggressive […]
Social Media Policy Project
Header image: Screenshot from CSTE Page This section of the Centre for the Study of Teacher Education website was created as a resource for stakeholders involved in the development, updating, and study of social media policy within K-12 in British Columbia. The resource was created because teachers today face regulation and restrictions in their use of social […]
Pinar (2019) Moving Images of Eternity
Header image: KF in Dall-E (2019) Moving Images of Eternity Preface Intro Education is itself the purpose of our existence. George Grant Intro p9: Modern science and thought—or modern truth-seeking—has shown us that life is without purpose. 120 George Grant “The thing is to understand myself: the thing is to find a truth which is true […]
Right to Be Forgotten
One of my areas of interest is the RTBF. Below are links and resources on the topic. (Oct 5, 2021) Into Oblivion How news outlets are handling the right to be forgotten https://www.cjr.org/special_report/right-to-be-forgotten.php (Feb, 2015) How Google determined our right to be forgotten https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/feb/18/the-right-be-forgotten-google-searchPinning this here as it is an important piece (July 29, 2021) […]
Ingredient Weight Whole-wheat flour 170g All-purpose flour 170g Steel-cut oats (pre-soaked) 115g Barley (pre-soaked) 30g Bran 28g Wheat germ 28g Brown sugar 2 teaspoons Salt 1 teaspoon Baking soda 2 teaspoons Buttermilk 500ml Melted butter 45g 1. Pre-heat oven to 400F. 2. Mix the dry ingredients well. 3. Add half the buttermilk and the melted […]
Indigeneity 101
Header image: One of 12 signs from the Native Hosts collection by Edgar Heap of Birds – Photo: Michael R. BarrickPage name, from: Musqueam 101 https://www.musqueam.bc.ca/our-story/educational-resources/musqueam-101/See also: Lynda Gray’s First Nations 101 This page is where I keep some of my notes on the learning I am doing around where I am, here in Vancouver, […]
EDUC500 Blog (2018)
Just putting a link here to my old, and first, blog from back in 2018. It was for the Introduction to Research Methods class I was taking and sort of got me thinking about building another website, the one you’re browsing right now. Bizarrely, I built my first website way back in 2006 for a […]
Onlife: A Möbius Trip
Header image: KF in Dalle-E I regularly return to an idea I had during one of my courses in 2018. We were looking at a book called Spirals of Inquiry as part of a teacher inquiry study. I piped up and said I didn’t like the title and then I had to explain what I meant. […]
2019 Blog (KF 1.0)
In 2019, I tried to keep a blog while I learned about building and maintaining a website. Though I learned quite a lot, I underestimated how much time it would take to this so I had to step back from it in October. I intend to get back to this when I figure out how […]