
Posting some things here to keep track of my ideas and to be able to share these with others.

  • There are a bunch more posts that are not publicly accessible or are password-protected: If you come across the latter and would like access, please email me.
Some thoughts on walking the Main Mall at UBC
I did not write for 25 years.
Oh, Canada 🤷🏻‍♂️
☘ 🍁
"[E]ntities whose information is included in knowledge panels are self-authoritative..."
"Adequate" is the goal
I am Thermi but you might be Thermi too.
60 minutes away from becoming a Canadian citizen
Prep for the citizenship test
More speed, less velocity.
In which I go on and on and ɐup ou ɐup ou ɐup ou and on about Möbius strips
There is something very interesting to this idea that I can't yet articulate...
Google did another thing for me. That's like 5/6 things now.
Possibly the best piece on humility ever written.