For year now, I have found the “head-heart-hands” (HHH) model of learning to be an especially helpful metaphor. Born and raised in Galway as I was, the metaphor and the image of the Claddagh ring immediately connected in a way that sparked a new schema for reflecting teaching and learning.
In the Claddagh ring, the crown, heart, and hands, represent loyalty, love, and friendship. In the HHH model, these elements represent Bloom’s cognitive, effective, and psycho motor domains of learning.
This page is to document my efforts to redress the longstanding imbalance in my learning through the psychomotor domain. I have been fortunate to have been welcomed into the learning community at SW9 at BCIT where I have had opportunity, support, and encouragement to make progress in this regard.
I have very much enjoyed my learning so far. Becoming a novice once again has afforded me opportunity to consider and re-consider my own teaching practices. I’ll keep at it and record some of my learning here as I do.