
Update 4: September 2020

It’s been an exciting time since the last update, what with trying to get everything in place for the start of the new semester. I did a huge amount of work for the Provost Office over the last few weeks but there was a great sense of satisfaction when we managed to finish and push out a slew of documents that faculty/staff/students needed last month but had to wait until last week to receive. There are just so many moving parts involved, and everything is complicated. I worry about morale and general wellness for all involved here at UBC as the days get darker and colder in the coming months. I do, however, consider how much better off and better prepared we are than many (possibly most) educational institutions across the world. We certainly do live in interesting times.

I have also been working on things in my capacity as a Teaching Assistant. We met our new class of 21 Technology Education teacher candidates on Thursday. Like the last group, they are a somewhat motley bunch, made up of a mix of fresh-faced youngsters and grizzled older types who spend many years in the trades before returning to study. I miss the last group; we grew quite close over our year together and they are starting their teaching careers in K-12 this week too.

Many other things have happened too but I’m hoping to keep off the computer today, so I’ll just add some pics here as a collage of what’s going on with us. Nicholle is doing well and got her groove back after a period of feeling painfully undervalued at work. We are working toward finding her a pathway towards something more fulfilling and rewarding.

Love to ye all from Vancouver.

Last year’s Tech Ed group: hard to distinguish between the students and the instructors here!

My first encounter with “predatory journals” LOL
They are, basically, a scam to draw people (academics) into working for them for free. This one is obviously a joke given they’ve addressed me as Dr. Forde [not yet!] and speak of my “expertise” in a field I know nothing about.

Nicholle’s delights
Nicholle’s delights
I mentioned pickled eggs one day and Nicholle created these the next day. Very tasty as a fast and nourishing snack.

I was invited to give a presentation to the professors in my department (Curriculum & Pedagogy) on student considerations for the winter term(s). It went well and many of them will have taken away something from this that will help the students in their classes.

Nicholle absolutely delighted with her giant bag of dried dates that came all the way from Xinjiang (Western China) to Foodie World (the Asian supermarket in Richmond, Vancouver)
Also from Foodie World, these delicious crabs
Braised chicken
Noodles in chicken broth

One of our “cheese ‘n’ crackers” nights

Bœuf bourguignon
Some of you may not have seen this, but I shaved my head at the start of the pandemic, thinking I wouldn’t be seeing many people F2F for a while. Got my new job the following week and had to turn up to my first meetings looking like this!
Thankfully, it’s grown back now. Lots of grey in the beard though!