
Teacher Discipline Outcomes/Issues, mainly from BC

Header image: Screenshot of Discipline Outcomes page

Starting in 2024, I’m making a list of “teacher stories” here for reference.

See the BC Commissioner for Teacher Regulation Discipline Reports:

(Sept 17, 2024) B.C. teacher guilty of misconduct for ‘sexual references and innuendo’ in chats with Grade 7 girls

  • [independent school in West Vancouver]
  • inappropriate communications with four Grade 7 girls using Instagram and a school-approved Google Chat platform
  • He asked her not to take screenshots or share the messages with her friends for fear of getting fired, and offered to finish a homework assignment for her if she stayed quiet
  • When evidence was given to the school about the exchanges in June and July 2021, the district demanded Mooney follow an improvement plan, but the chats continued after that plan was in place.
  • Mooney gave up his teaching certificate in October 2021, after some chats were shared with administrators by the girls’ parents and others were retrieved by the school information technology director.
    • That’s because the Teachers Act allows for rulings on professional misconduct even after a teacher no longer works in the profession.
  • A decision on Mooney’s penalty and payment for the cost of the proceedings has not been made.

(Sept 17, 2024) Jeffrey Forden Mooney

(Aug 20, 2024) T-DH-2024

  • The Teacher became involved in a dispute between parents about custody and access of their child (the “Student”), whom the Teacher had taught. The Teacher provided a written statement about the Student to one of the parents to use in legal proceedings…

(Aug 20, 2024) T-DH-2024

(Aug 21, 2024) B.C. teacher suspended for having ‘personal, non-school related’ communication with student

  • The teacher was communicating regularly with a student about “personal, non-school related matters” outside school hours from summer 2022 to the end of February 2023
  • When the student’s parents asked the teacher to stop communicating with the student about personal matters outside of school hours, the teacher didn’t do so until about 10 days after the request.

(Aug 20, 2024) T-CH-2024

(Aug 14, 2024) BC teacher suspended for writing ‘poop’ on piece of tape and sticking it to kindergartener’s arm

  • The Commissioner’s report explains that, on Nov. 25, 2022, Jacobsen wrote the word “poop” on a piece of green painter’s tape and then crossed it out.
  • She “briefly” stuck the tape onto the student’s arm, the report says.
  • The student – referred to only as “Student A” in the document – has “diverse abilities,” according to the Commissioner.
  • The report explains that Jacobsen was attempting to prevent the student from using the word “poop.”

(July 18, 2024) Tania Christine Jacobsen

(Aug 6, 2024) T-AH-2024

  • The Teacher used inappropriate discipline methods with students; failed to take appropriate steps to address student conduct; and in one class, made inappropriate gender-based comments to students about two teachers who were making a presentation.
  • The Teacher made insensitive comments to an indigenous student in the Teacher’s class about their indigeneity.

(Aug 6, 2024) T-AH-2024

(Aug 1, 2024) Penticton teacher reprimanded again for conduct toward students

  • Miko McGrady, a longtime School District No. 67 educator with a history of reported complaints dating back to 2010…
  •  sending an email to a student’s mother… expressing concerns over the student’s conduct in class, McGrady wrote that the student was wasting their own time and “warming a seat while distracting others,” according to the report.
  • [Another incident; bizarre cellphone task]
  • The district has also issued McGrady with letters of direction or expectations three separate times from 2018 to 2021

(July 11, 2024) Miko McGrady

(July 10, 2024) Vancouver teacher didn’t make an ’emotionally safe space’ for students: commissioner

  • “Russell was not modelling the diversity, inclusion and respect for different values that the district expects and promotes.”
  • Russell acknowledged the allegations, expressed regret, and agreed to complete the course Reinforcing Respectful Professional Boundaries at the Justice Institute of B.C

(July 9, 2024) Bruce David Russell

These are stories from the US but, sooner or later, we’ll likely have a case like this in BC.

(Mar 18, 2024) Teacher who resigned after her OnlyFans page was discovered says new employer fired her for violating social media policy

(Nov 10, 2023) Second teacher with OnlyFans page discovered at same school

  • With two graduate degrees, Gaither’s student loans piled up. She said they’re totaling about $126,000. As an English teacher and cheerleading coach at St. Clair High School, Gaither’s salary comes out to about $47,000 per year.

Not a “teacher story”, but one I want to highlight:

(June 28, 2024) Abbotsford student’s speech about accessibility challenges at her school censored by administrators

As part of her Grade 12 art activism class, Lexis De Meyer was tasked with investigating accessibility challenges faced by people with disabilities in her community of Abbotsford.

But just hours before she was set to present her painting and artist statement, her teacher pulled her aside.

  • “(She) tells me she had to change my artist statement, or the administration wouldn’t let her hand out the books that contained the rest of everybody’s artist statements,” De Meyer recounted.
  • On Friday, the Abbotsford School District issued a news release. In it, Superintendent Sean Nosek said: “We are investigating the circumstances surrounding the censorship of Ms. De Meyer’s speech. We understand that this action may have silenced an important student voice and caused frustration.”

“Educators understand the law as it relates to their duties”
Do they? How / where would they learn about this?

40 minutes of me discussing (Dec 22, 2023) Freedom of expression for teachers in K-12 in British Columbia

(June 12, 2024) SD42 administrator reprimanded after grabbing student’s arm

  • An administrator and principal in the Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows School District has been disciplined after grabbing a student’s arm during recess. 

(June 11, 2024) Adam Guy Stanley

(May 23, 2024) Vaping in schools: Ontario’s $30 million for surveillance and security won’t address student needs

What we don’t fund, we police.

  • Ontario’s recent education budget announced a “back to basics” funding formula, which includes $30 million to install vape detectors and security upgrades — measures which will expand the surveillance of students in schools.
  • The province says the budget signals a huge investment in education, but the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives notes it cumulatively reflects funds for 4,900 fewer educators in classrooms. 

(May 21, 2024) B.C. teacher suspended for kissing student at graduation house party

  • “While the teacher knew that there was alcohol present at the party, the teacher was not aware that (the student) was drinking,” said the agreed statement of facts. “At one point, the teacher kissed (the student) on the lips. This was photographed and circulated on social media.”
  • The teacher is not able to apply for a teaching licence in the kindergarten to Grade 12 system for 15 years.

(March 21, 2024) T-BE-2024

    (May 15, 2024) ‘Shoot you all’: B.C. teacher reprimanded for classroom joke

    • In January 2023, Brian John Carmichael was teaching a math class made up of Grade 7, 8 and 9 students in the Gold Trail school district when he told students that if they didn’t “ace” an upcoming test, “I’m going to have to shoot you all.”
    • The commissioner noted Carmichael has been previously warned about his use of language, and that his comment had the effect of harming the emotional safety of students.

    (May 14, 2024) Carmichael, Brian John

    (Mar 17, 2024) B.C. relying on uncertified instructors to teach in elementary, secondary schools

    • See Reddit thread here: “It’s not the pay. It’s the pressure.”
      • See mention of TTED in the thread above

    LOP’s issued
    2019 – 92
    2022 – 172
    2023 – 303

    • In its Enhancing Student Learning Report, the Peace River South School District in northeastern B.C. reveals 18 per cent of teaching positions in 2022-23 were filled by uncertified instructors.
      • Over the course of the year, there were 691 unfilled teacher absences.
        • It says that meant principals and substitute teachers, who are also not certified, had to take over the teaching in those classrooms.
    • The MOE is reducing processing times for teacher certification applications while adding 350 new seats since 2018 in teacher education programs throughout B.C.

    KF: For 2024 Winter applications, UBCV had 1231 applicants (for around 750 places) up 5% from last year.

      I’ve been a registered teacher in Ireland since 2015. Perhaps I should get myself a LOP and get to work here!

      (Mar 26, 2024) B.C. teacher suspended for allowing ‘extremely inappropriate’ student conduct

      • The province’s teacher regulator has released a cryptic announcement that an unnamed B.C. teacher has been suspended for two days for allowing “extremely inappropriate conduct” among students.

      This summary is published under section 54(3) of the Teachers Act to protect the identity of students who were harmed, abused or exploited by the teacher. To further protect the identity of the students involved and to avoid further harm to them, the more concerning details of the teacher’s conduct are not included in this summary.

      • Teacher Professional Certificate of Qualification issued 2002
      • The Teacher permitted their class to engage in extremely inappropriate conduct involving other students in the School
      • The District issued the Teacher a letter of discipline and suspended the Teacher for three days without pay.
      • The District also required the Teacher to complete the course, Reinforcing Respectful Professional Boundaries, through the Justice Institute of B.C
        • 3-day, face-to-face course; $700
      • The Teacher agreed to a two-day suspension of their certificate of qualification…
        • a. The Teacher failed to model appropriate behaviour expected of an educator.
        • b. The Teacher’s conduct showed a lack of understanding of appropriate professional boundaries.

      (March 26, 2024) T-CC-2024.pdf

      [Ireland] (Mar 26, 2024) ‘Teachers feel vulnerable’ as one-in-five experience some form of cyberbullying

      • the most common form of abuse is receiving angry, rude and vulgar messages or having such messages being posted online.
        • videos of teachers being uploaded without their consent; trolling – harmful, untrue or cruel comments being posted online – fake websites or profiles; accounts being hacked and private information being posted about teachers.
      • At Malahide Community School, students have to keep their phones in sealed pouches during the day which has helped to cut down on cyberbullying incidents involving both pupils and teachers.
      • more than 80% have concerns including data harvesting, the potential of AI to undermine professional teacher autonomy and increased teacher workload.

      (Mar 25, 2024) RED C ASTI Survey 2024 – Digital Technology and its Impact on Teachers’ Working Lives

      🤔 A similar story here in BC, no doubt. Such a survey would make for an interesting MA/MEd project.

      (Apr 26, 2021) Gibsons man charged with child pornography possession

      • Ross Road Elementary School
      • The [RCMP] detachment is releasing the information “in the interest of public safety and to further the police investigation.”

      (March 19, 2024) Bowering, Graham Christopher

      • July 5, 2021, Bowering signed an undertaking not to practice
      • Certificate of qualification canceled Jan 28, 2022

      KF: This guy could have gone to, say, China in the interim like
      (Sep 01, 2017) Ex-B.C. teacher quits Beijing private school after past sex history revealed

      (Mar 6, 2024) BC teacher suspended for allowing students to hit each other with pool noodles

      • Port Alberni
      • “During this activity, Bodnar was looking on and encouraging the students by saying things like ‘Beat him! Get him! You can get him!’ 
      • Student A “was hit in the face repeatedly with a pool noodle,” the report says, breaking the student’s glasses and bruising the student’s face.
      • According to the Commissioner, Bodnar had been disciplined by the district in the past, including for demonstrating an athletic technique on a student and for encouraging a Grade 8 class to “twerk.”

      (March 2, 2024) Bodnar, Russell Stephen

      (Feb 20, 2024) B.C. teacher suspended for throwing things at students

      • Justin Ray Arnesto told the student that reporting an incident would “not make any difference” because the principal “will take my side over your side.”
      • He threw a computer charging device at the student. It hit a wall.
      • He broke a pencil and threw it in the direction of a student.

      (Feb 20,2024) Arnesto, Justin Ray

      (Feb 20, 2024) BC teacher suspended for pulling student’s arm

      • In March 2022, the grade two student wrote graffiti on a school wall outside during a lunch break. Bernier, the student’s teacher, went outside to take a picture of the graffiti once she had heard about it
      • When Bernier tried to photograph it, the student ran in front to block her view. The teacher then grabbed the student’s arm and pulled them away.

      (Feb 20, 2024) Bernier, Wendy Anne

      NOT Canada, but an account from a school in Sweden where a newly-certified (2023) BC Tech Ed Teacher is currently working. Google-translated from Swedish:

      (Feb 20, 2024) School receives criticism – several cases of violence against employees–flera-fall-av-vald-mot-anstallda-6.3.203727.df2dc636ff?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp

      (Feb 20, 2024) B.C. teacher who called student’s hijab a ‘Halloween costume’ reprimanded

      • A substitute teacher…the incident happened on Nov. 1, 2022
      • The Surrey school district issued Camozzi a letter of discipline in December 2022, and recommended that he undergo cultural sensitivity training offered through the Surrey Teachers’ Association and the B.C. Teachers’ Federation.
        • “To date, Camozzi has not completed this training,” the consent agreement notes.
      • The commissioner found the teacher’s behaviour “had a negative impact on both the student whose hijab he mocked, those present and those who later learned of his conduct,” and also that he had “engaged in similar conduct in the past.”

      (Feb 20, 2024) Camozzi, Donald Joseph

      (Feb 16, 2024) No charges laid over explicit, AI-generated photos of Winnipeg students

      As this is, unfortunately, almost certain to become more of a prevalent concern, I’m adding this story to the list.

      • No charges will be laid after explicit, AI-generated photos of Winnipeg high school students were circulated online

      Related to this, and connected to Standard 2, teachers should be aware of a new law and related service:

      (Jan 29, 2024) New services help people protect their intimate images

      • With the Intimate Images Protection Act coming into force on Monday, Jan. 29, 2024, the Province, in partnership with the Civil Resolution Tribunal, is launching two new services. 
      • These services will help people who have had their intimate images shared without their consent quickly access self-help tools to diagnose their legal issues, get information about their rights and connect to supports.

      Unfortunately, this law does not seem to address AI-generated images, the law being (as always) one step behind the emerging technologies.

      Related to this, read the key findings of the 2022 Canadian Centre for Child Protection‘s report on the financial sextortion of, predominantly, boys & young men (see page 4)

      • “[Extorters] demand that the [catfished] victim send them money, and if not, they will send the victim’s nudes to their friends and family”

      (Feb 15, 2024) Beloved Johnston Heights teacher goes viral in feel-good birthday video on social media
      ☘ Awwww 🙂 I keep an eye out for happy/positive stories too but, as you know, in teaching, the “good” stuff usually happens/goes unnoticed.

      (Feb 13, 2024) B.C. teacher reprimanded over incident with nut-filled candy

      • “After the student with the allergy was invited to choose a candy, Babulal told the child not to eat it until she had checked it for nuts.”
      • But the child left for the day before that could be done. After Babulal went looking for the student and could not find her, the teacher called the child’s mother to let her know what happened.

      (Feb 13, 2024) Babulal, Nancy Le’ann

      (Feb 13, 2024) B.C. teacher charged with sexual exploitation, luring a child

      • Invermere 
      • Alleged offences took place over social media, RCMP say
      • …charged Tuesday with sexual exploitation, making sexually explicit material available to a child and luring a child”

      (Feb 13, 2024) Richmond School District denies wrongdoing in alleged science experiment accident

      • Jesse Wowk Elementary School
      • If Mui’s child was injured from the incident, the school district and Woo said it was due to the child’s negligence or others not named in the lawsuit, which included failing to follow instructions to not engage in any activity without the teacher’s presence and engaging in “horseplay” when the child knew or ought to have known they might get injured.

      (Feb 12, 2024) Canadian teacher accused of selling students’ art on personal website

      • Students at Montreal’s Westwood junior high school made the chance discovery last night after searching out their art teacher’s website. On it they found their own art, available for purchase on coffee mugs, mobile phone cases and clothing.

      UPDATE: (Mar 25, 2024) Parents file $1.5M lawsuit after Quebec teacher accused of selling students’ artwork online

      • The parents of 10 young students at Westwood Junior High School in Saint-Lazare, Que., an off-island suburb west of Montreal, filed the lawsuit for $1.575 million, or $155,000 per plaintiff plus punitive damages, against the teacher, Mario Perron, and the Lester B. Pearson School Board (LBPSB) for alleged copyright infringement.

      (Feb 6, 2024) B.C. math instructor’s firing over ‘deeply intolerant’ YouTube videos not religious discrimination, human rights tribunal rules

      • Fraser International College in Burnaby ~ Not K-12 but interesting re Charter 2(a)
      • A B.C. math instructor who was fired because of his “deeply intolerant” YouTube videos calling non-Christian gods the Antichrist and saying women who have abortions should be put to death, among other statements, has had his complaint at the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal thrown out.
      • Gleb Glebov claimed his termination constituted religious discrimination, specifically against his Christian views…
      • Argument …was a part of his ‘sincerely held’ religious beliefs, and whether is ability to practise his religion would be compromised if he couldn’t post the videos.
      • While he may hold Christian religious beliefs, he has not provided any evidence to indicate that publicly disseminating his views is part of his sincerely held religious belief or practice
      • In November 2019, an anonymous tipster sent an email to the school’s director, alerting her to the instructor’s YouTube videos. One of them was posted on a school Facebook page identifying Glebov as a teacher by name.
      • Then on Dec. 9, the director held a meeting with Glebov, which he secretly recorded. The audio and transcript were reviewed by the tribunal. 

      (Jan 25, 2024) B.C. teacher who texted students after school hours disciplined

      • The decision said the teacher spent a significant amount of time with the students, who became increasingly attached.
      • One evening when the teacher was texting with one of the students, the student indicated that they might harm themselves,” the decision said. “The teacher did not take appropriate reporting steps to address the risk of self-harm,” the decision said

      (Jan 23, 2024) T-BA-2024