
Pedagogical freedom and sensitive issues in school

Header image: KF in Dall-E

Maxwell, B., Senécal, M., and Waddington, D. (2023). Pedagogical freedom and sensitive issues in school: A companion guide for teachers and school leaders. Centre d’intervention pédagogique en contexte de diversité.
[Available for download at Bruce Maxwell’s page]

  • “Learning to discuss political and social controversies helps students develop critical thinking skills, it is an important part of civic education.”

“Primary and secondary school teachers don’t have full academic freedom, but they do have a degree of pedagogical freedom.”

  • Academic freedom encompasses the freedom to conduct research, pedagogical freedom, and freedom of expression outside an academic’s professional life.
  • Pedagogical freedom encompasses the freedom to choose, in accordance with one’s best professional judgement, pedagogical approaches, and evaluation methods. It also includes the freedom to select material to use in class insofar as such choices fall within the bounds of the official curriculum. Finally, pedagogical freedom also covers teachers’ freedom of expression in the classroom.

WOW: “Teachers must avoid content and speech that risks causing a reasonably foreseeable significant disturbance in the regular functioning of the class or school.”

  • KF – See notes in Zotero