
Posting some things here to keep track of my ideas and to be able to share these with others.

  • There are a bunch more posts that are not publicly accessible or are password-protected: If you come across the latter and would like access, please email me.
Byung-Chul Han’s Burnout Society: Our Only Imperative is to Achieve Hyperattention Self-exploitation.  Auto-exploitation is more efficient than allo-exploitation [i.e.
Poetter, T. S. (2024). Curriculum Fragments: A Currere Journey through Life Processes. Routledge. Foreword [BP] The past is never
David Whyte (2014) - Consolations: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words Hiding is a way of staying
Header image: Screenshot of Discipline Outcomes page Starting in 2024, I'm making a list of "teacher stories" here for reference.
Header image: KF in Midjourney Petrina, S. (2003). The Educational Technology is Technology Education Manifesto. Journal of Technology Education, 15(1),
recommender systems The Three Rules of Humane Tech Rule one: When you invent a new technology, you uncover a
Header image: KF "DALL·E-2022-09-29-08.11.45-A-painting-in-the-style-of-Rubens-of-Sisyphus-rolling-his-boulder-uphill-while-Albert-Camus-smokes-a-cigarette-watches-from-afar" Connell, R. (2009). Good teachers on dangerous ground: towards a new view of teacher quality and
I've been fortunate to encounter Brian Ennis in SW9 many times now. He and I have spent many hours discussing
(Sept, 2022) The Therapeutic Benefits Of Wood Carving➡️ A Phenomenological Study of the Therapeutic Benefits of Woodcarving By Jenny Rudell;
Header image: Justice Laws Website The Criminal Code (Cr.C ) 318 - Hate Propaganda Re: Bill C-19: the Budget Implementation Act
Header image: Gauguin (1897) Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? The 2004 CBC Massey
BCIT visit: May 1, 2024 Melanie Mark: Melanie's LinkedIn ⬇: Provincial Tuition Waiver Program ∞ Provincial Tuition
Header image: DALL·E 2024-01-03 - a sci-fi image of an Ouroboros I had been using the the term LLM (large-language
Header image: KF in DALL-E (Mar 1, 2024) Five key elements of Canada’s new Online Harms Act However, some
Header image: KF in Dall-E (Jan 30, 2024) Pluralistic: My McLuhan lecture on enshittification of the session ⬆Video of
Header image: KF photograph - Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, as seen on a wall in a church sacristy in Changchun.
Header image: See Google Knowledge Panels David Pye was trained to be an architect of wooden buildings, but after a
(Feb 23, 2024 - L. M. Sacasas) Secularization Comes for the Religion of Technology: Or, how to make sense of techno-optimist manifestos,
Header image: KF in Dall-E Maxwell, B., Senécal, M., and Waddington, D. (2023). Pedagogical freedom and sensitive issues in school:
All models are wrong, but some are useful. George Box  The map is not the territory Alfred Korzybski Gall–Peters projection
Header image: KF personal pic Did this course at BCIT in Jan. Two 3-hour online sessions, one either side of
Some background: Bäuchle (2021) John O’Donohue: The Fateful Years of a Priest To Come Home To Yourself May all that
Header image: BC Freedom of Information and Privacy Association Logo FIPA For Teachers Senior High Schools (Grade 10-12): British
A dear friend just gifted me this lovely book, Begin Again, by Oliver Jeffers. Check it out here: Art's