
Posting some things here to keep track of my ideas and to be able to share these with others.

  • There are a bunch more posts that are not publicly accessible or are password-protected: If you come across the latter and would like access, please email me.
Some interesting places and spaces around UBC
A 54-block glass mosaic representing UBC’s faculties and departments
The Corruption of the Best: On Ivan Illich
Further exploration of the Möbius Strip
Sacasas, L. M. (2024, November 27). The Enclosure of the Human Psyche. The Convivial Society
Phelan, A.M. (2005). On Discernment: The Wisdom of Practice and the Practice of Wisdom in Teacher Education
Zimmerman et al. (1998). A Complexity Science Primer: What is Complexity Science and Why Should I Learn About It?
Leggo, C. (2005). Pedagogy of the Heart: Ruminations on Living Poetically
Palmer, P. J. (1993). To Know as We Are Known: A Spirituality of Education. HarperOne. But yield who will to
...we should ask not what AI will do to us, but what we want it to do for us
Shales, E. (2017). The Shape Of Craft. [Under Construction] EDIT
Naloxone (pronounced na-LOX-own) is a fast-acting medication used to temporarily reverse the effects of opioid overdoses, also called an opioid
Header image: ﻼF in Dall-E Nathan Gardels interviews Yuval Noah Harari about his new book Nexus the truth is a
Header image: ﻼF in Dall-E Seemann, K. W. (2009). Technacy education: Understanding cross-cultural technological practice. In J. Fien, R. Maclean
Some Knowledge is Sacred and Only Shared With Permission and/or in Certain Situations "Exploring Indigenous knowledge in the classroom was
Header image: Screenshot of home page of Indigenizing Shop Jeremy O'Shea is a Tech Ed teacher at Edward Milne Community
Header image: Foundation for Economic Education A charming story which explains how something as apparently simple as a pencil is,
Here’s the text of Indian Affair’s Minister Jane Stewart’s statement of reconciliation to Canada’s aboriginal people, delivered last week at
Header image: KF - personal pic [in progress] Kahlil Gibran: Sand and Foam (1926) I have learned silence from the
Professional Autonomy Lens (2023) “Autonomy refers to thinking for oneself in uncertain and complex situations in which judgment is more
Header image: KF get pic from BC Archive Goddard, C. (2024, August 21). Manual training for all. Front Porch Republic.
Meaning in context: is there any other kind? (Mishler, 1979) “knowledge is personally constructed, socially mediated, and inherently situated” Vignette
Header image: Screengrab from YouTube Video Babakiueria (Barbeque Area) is a 1986 Australian satirical film on relations between Aboriginal Australians
Header image: KF photo - Alex Janvier’s Morning Star Coulter, D., & Wiens, J. R. (2008). Prologue: Why do we