
Update 1: April 2020

December 21, 2023: I’m here trying to resurrect my website after it died a couple of weeks ago. I began this site having no idea what I was doing. I learned as I went along and got progressively better but the whole site was built on a poor foundation so I’m going back now to see if I can fix it, starting here.

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Nicholle’s Danish Delight

“Do you want cake?”, she asked. “eh… Yes, please!”

We passed a burger joint recently and I said how I’d love one of their spicy chicken burgers. “I can make that” said Nicholle, and voila, burger buns made from scratch too!

Evening grazing

From one of our walks

Cedar shingle roof

On impulse, I shaved my head. It’ll grow back, right?

We had a couple of BBQs over the last while too.
This one was with with lamb, a la Changchun street food – delicious!