
Babakiueria (1986) 

Header image: Screengrab from YouTube Video

Babakiueria (Barbeque Area) is a 1986 Australian satirical film on relations between Aboriginal Australians and Australians of European descent.


Notes below video:

  • 02:50 A developing people, starting to take an interest in the world around them; this is a good sign
    • A strange and fascinating people
  • 04:12 the children spend their days at school, learning about the ways of their people
    • Simple uncomplicated lives
  • 04:42 unlike THESE white people
  • Minister
    • Morally wrong to leave them like that
  • 05:50 [cynical cop] – waste of money spending on the whites
    • Despite all evidence to the contrary, white family ties are very strong
  • 08:27 [neglected old lady] a small flat, surprisingly clean
  • 09:45 bookie office “worshippers”- “prayer tokens” – “what simple faith”
    • 200th anniversary
  • Minister 11:55 we’re all Babakiuerians – can organize their own events
  • 13:09 turn this barren wasteland (highway) into a carefully designed park
  • 14:15 white protestors
    • Increasing militancy; potestors arrested
    • Minister: “the actions of a minority…always the unhappy few giving the others a bad name”
  • 16:12 father in the same job for the last 12 years – maintains work/life balance
  • 17:05 Are while people intelligent…recent studies suggest they are
    • The trouble is their insularity – they resist change
  • 17:25 bold new intervention from government
    • “is this the price of progress”…yes…we didn’t have any choice

  • Minister 19:20
    • Would they rather we went away? What kind of a mess would they make of it?
    • “Radical Whities”
  • 20:09 natural tendency of white people to violence…they love violence…ritual violence
    • Footie tribes & “hooliganism” [etymology]
  • 21:27 Indigenous celebration
    • “Death & sacrifice”
    • Drunkenness & offensive language
  • 23:45 family being forced off land
    • Son unbowed
    • Don’t know where they’re going
    • Obsequious parents
  • Reporter: this was an emotional experience for me
    • Parents dumped out in the middle of nowhere
  • (Outro) 27:55 Outbreak of white protest
    • “Situation under control”
    • Stone through window of empty house

KF Lesson ideas

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  • (Sept 19, 2018) Controversial TV show sparks debate about changing racist attitudes toward Indigenous people
    • In the series First Contact, which airs on APTN, six white participants travel across Canada and openly air their thoughts about Indigenous people, whom participants describe as “lazy,” “alcoholics,” “welfare cheats,” and “hopeless” among many other negative stereotypes.
    • Housty said while education about Indigenous people is needed to combat racism, she feels it should be non-Indigenous people educating their peers rather than Indigenous people shouldering the burden.