

I am Thermi but you might be Thermi too.

Header image: KF in Dall-E

Deep within every life, no matter how dull or ineffectual it may seem from the outside, there is something eternal happening. This is the secret way that change and possibility conspire with growth. John Henry Newman summed this up beautifully when he said, “To grow is to change and to be perfect is to have changed often.” Change, therefore, need not be threatening; it can in fact bring our lives to perfection.

John O’ Donohue, Anam Cara

The above is something I’ve been writing and editing for a while now, after seeing the clip below a few years ago. Now, not all species of hermit crab change shells in a vacancy chain like this; like Thermi, they are often alone when they happen upon a new shell. However, these vacancy chains make me imagine that the crabs involved might be part of a group where people collectively endeavor to become rightsized (e.g. in education, support groups etc.). When people share their experience, strength, and hope, their sharing helps them step out of their old shells into a place of vulnerability. Sometimes the thoughts they share are not formed enough to allow them to move forward so they scuttle back to their familiar shell before the end of the sharing. Sometimes they are able to process their thoughts and feelings enough so that, in the process, they can make enough progress to make it to a slightly larger shell. The old shell now unoccupied, another member may work through their own thinking and, perhaps, make enough progress to reach this vacant spot. Other shares similarly invite vulnerability, progress, and growth. In any case, as I imagine it, at the end of the sharing everyone is able to occupy a shell, their own or one someone has vacated, so that they are safe until the next time.
Just some food for thought.
Keep on keepin’ rightsized.


More cool stuff about crabs ⬇ h/t Alex Caverly. I feel a sequel to Thermi in the making…

Consider – Shoshin